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No news??

By Dom weir (legacy user)31/10/2014 21:40Fri Oct 31 21:40:03 2014

Views: 2633

So Staines have lost there leading goal scorer and the squad needs major changes and new faces but nothing? It wouldn't surprise me if ebbsfleet swamp the Staines fans in numbers.
How can we not have anyone coming in? No loan players? No work experience players from league clubs? Do we not have any contacts at all that will help Staines?

Since dave wheeler left... Oh and jordaan...don't forget Scott Taylor also...

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Next article in this thread: No news?! by Harry1/11/2014 10:29Sat Nov 1 10:29:42 2014

Previous thread: Surprised by SAGE1/11/2014 07:12Sat Nov 1 07:12:50 2014view thread