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Re: Attendances

By Earlsmead part-timer13/9/2021 14:28Mon Sep 13 14:28:11 2021In response to Re: Attendances

Views: 1121

There's definitely a lot of variable's coming in play with regard to attendances.

As u say Covid worries, an aging fan base. All the things u have mentioned.

Plenty of other ( probably the vast majority of ordinary folk ) would say there are better things to do than watch non-league football.

Have I got an answer, no not really, but it definitely helps being successful, even at our level.
Winning most of yr matches definitely helps with crowd numbers IMO.
A struggling team year after year won't attract new fans .
Any in our area would surely watch Wealdstone than any other non- league club purely because they have been the most successful the last few years .

I think our link up with Ruislip Rangers is a step in the right direction.
But clearly there is no magic bullet.
That's my two cents worth anyway .

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Next article in this thread: Re: Attendances by Terrance13/9/2021 14:39Mon Sep 13 14:39:06 2021

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