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Re: Attendances

By geemickey14/9/2021 08:52Tue Sep 14 08:52:56 2021In response to Re: Attendances

Views: 794

We can't put the fall in attendances down to demographics.
The 'new' locals may not be interested in football - but numbers won't have changed significantly in the past 12 months.

All the other points must be factors but the question is 'what should the c;lub be doing about the problem now ?'

One thought I had years back was to involve the local college and offer a cash prize (£100 ?) to their business students for the best marketing suggestions to stimulate attendances at Harrow Borough FC.
This in itself would get the club some local exposure with the younger generation and may produce some new ideas.
But then you need volunteers to make things happen !

In addition, surely local Asian lads play football ?
Find the promising players among them and develop some good enough for the first team.
The initiative with Ruislip R. is a move in that direction.

The best solution of all is surely a winning HB team playing attractive football and enjoying an FA Cup run !

Edited by geemickey at 09:36:14 on 14th September 2021

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Next article in this thread: Re: Attendances by cappers14/9/2021 10:26Tue Sep 14 10:26:59 2021

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