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Re: Going For 8 In A Row!!!

By Boro Loyal (RangersAsh)5/10/2021 14:41Tue Oct 5 14:41:26 2021In response to Going For 8 In A Row!!!

Views: 857

Tonight will be our eighth win in a row. Going to Walton Casuals should prove to be no issue for the borough, and we should leave with a minimum of a 4-0 win. seeing us in the hat for the next round. goals coming from all areas of the pitch. Josh Andrews may prove to be an issue for us, but we should have enough to deal with him. even if it means using JT as personal shadow. Steve Baker is a fantastic manager! Wishing all the fans travelling down a safe journey, see you at the elmsbridge sports hub later. Mon the Reds!

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Next article in this thread: Re: Going For 8 In A Row!!! by Terrance5/10/2021 14:46Tue Oct 5 14:46:43 2021

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