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Re: Kings Langley v Harrow Borough Match Preview

By Earlsmead part-timer19/10/2021 13:23Tue Oct 19 13:23:17 2021In response to Re: Kings Langley v Harrow Borough Match Preview

Views: 876

Agree with that Town Colours, we all remember what happened at the end of that season after the FA Cup run. (shudders) and Steve B will no doubt have in mind how that season completely unraveled and know how to to remedy it, if it does.

Presumably all the players in the next couple of weeks will be itching to prove themselves to get a start for the Portsmouth game so even I'm backing us to win this one, Kings Langley. ( no after the Lord Mayor's Show here please !)

But I think the difference so far this season (and I appreciate all the squad have upped their game) definitely is James Ewington and Josh in goal, both have been brilliant, and what I've seen of Imran, he's been a good signing to.
The club did really well getting James E to come to Harrow, every club who succeeds
needs someone like him to bang the goals in.
If all three remain fit and available to play we will be OK and do well I reckon.

Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 13:27:33 on 19th October 2021

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