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Kings Langley 0-2 Harrow Borough

By cappers19/10/2021 22:06Tue Oct 19 22:06:19 2021

Views: 810

According to the Kings Langley Twitter page, we ran out deserved winners. Can anyone who was there add to that? I'm getting used to this winning lark!

Pompey lost 4-0 at home. I really hope the Cowleys will still be in charge when we play them. I'm starting to have the same opinion of many Portsmouth fans that we might actually beat them! Crazy times at the Boro!

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Next article in this thread: Re: Kings Langley 0-2 Harrow Borough by Terrance19/10/2021 23:38Tue Oct 19 23:38:43 2021

Previous thread: Kings Langley v Harrow Borough Match Preview by Terrance19/10/2021 09:41Tue Oct 19 09:41:34 2021view thread