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Re: Attendance

By Boro Loyal (RangersAsh)22/10/2021 01:46Fri Oct 22 01:46:09 2021In response to Re: Attendance

Views: 843

Very good shout Cappers!

Im going to go with 11,638 for our match. Portsmouth, like many clubs are robbing their fans. Ticket prices are way too high. At their current asking £24 they are very lucky to be getting what they do, more so considering they could sell it out at a reasonable price. This match should be no more than £15 for a adult... but hey, modern football at its finest. #FansNotCustomers

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Next article in this thread: Re: Attendance by Middx Wanderer22/10/2021 18:41Fri Oct 22 18:41:46 2021

Previous thread: The Crazy Gang!!! by Terrance24/10/2021 19:41Sun Oct 24 19:41:49 2021view thread