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Re: Fratton Park FA Cup Tie

By Parrot25/10/2021 21:11Mon Oct 25 21:11:20 2021In response to Re: Fratton Park FA Cup Tie

Views: 977

Respect to all at Earlsmead.

Pompey fans have seen the likes of Jamal Lowe show their ability rising through the leagues so we hope our players show the right respect to Harrow Borough.

Certainly Manager Danny Cowley knows that is required as he has served a long apprenticeship working his way up many divisions.

Look forward to November 6th and as we say in Pompey win or lose on the booze !

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Next article in this thread: Re: Fratton Park FA Cup Tie by Terrance25/10/2021 21:13Mon Oct 25 21:13:16 2021

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