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Portsmouth Tickets

By harrowred (RedHarrow)26/10/2021 20:34Tue Oct 26 20:34:24 2021

Views: 1257

On Portsmouths website they have announced the following for their season ticket holders;

Adults - £10
65+ - £8
18-22 - £8
17 and under - £1

For general sale it’s £12, £10, £10, £1 for those categories. Will be interested to see when we can start buying as away fans.

Also, hospitality is open to away fans; £45 for adults, two course meal, seat, half time refreshments, a programme and teamsheet.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Portsmouth Tickets by The Earl of Smead26/10/2021 20:36Tue Oct 26 20:36:45 2021

Previous thread: Harrow Borough v Gosport Borough Match Preview. by Terrance26/10/2021 11:46Tue Oct 26 11:46:59 2021view thread