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Re: Red card for the keeper or not?

By Earlsmead part-timer8/11/2021 14:13Mon Nov 8 14:13:25 2021In response to Re: Red card for the keeper or not?

Views: 583

It was a free kick and a yellow card for me.
But a definite red card for the linesman.

If I can see its a clear handball and I'm sitting in row X in the Milton End, how he can't see it from 10 yards away is beyond belief.
He might as well have not been there for all the use he was.

Mind you it's just the sort of incompetence we see virtually every week in the Southern League.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Red card for the keeper or not? by The Earl of Smead8/11/2021 14:40Mon Nov 8 14:40:26 2021

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