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Hampton 4 Boro 1

By Middx Wanderer9/11/2021 23:03Tue Nov 9 23:03:45 2021

Views: 829

Hampton looked a decent side. We certainly matched them for the first half hour . But then we lost possession to easily. As we saw at Walton, when we make changes our attacking play becomes disjointed.
Never the less some decent individual performances, with a few long term absentees returning.

The Ref's performance was woeful . Reminded me of the Guy that did our game v Yate on the opening day. Happy to blow his whistle as soon as a player drops to the floor, but failed to recognise a foul when a player tries to stay on his feet.
2nd half he lost control of the game. Had the score been closer, he would have been in big trouble.

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