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Re: Pitchgate

By Middx Wanderer10/12/2021 16:31Fri Dec 10 16:31:28 2021In response to Re: Pitchgate

Views: 1022

I suggest you read law 1 of the game then. No other lines are permitted. On multi use pitches no other lines to be in white. Multi use pitches wouldn't get a grading to play at our level so same rules apply to every team in our league.

Beasant has had other complaints made against him this season. Not least for damaging other clubs pitches.

Why defend these unsporting actions.

Edited by Middx Wanderer at 16:32:02 on 10th December 2021

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Next article in this thread: Re: Pitchgate by cufc_general10/12/2021 20:47Fri Dec 10 20:47:49 2021

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