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Re: The Team A Surprise!

By Earlsmead part-timer12/12/2021 12:03Sun Dec 12 12:03:42 2021In response to Re: The Team A Surprise!

Views: 840

Like Terry I'm only speaking for myself and also as a fan who's moved out if the area, so I don't have any answers but here's my view.

You definitely need to be successful to attract fans, and that's got to be sustained over a period of a few seasons, not just one.
Agree you've got to get the local community involved but I don't think that's easy in London with a moving/mobile population with so many other distractions within a radius of 10 miles.
Where I am in "Wessex Country" there are certainty less distractions for the likes of Dorchester, Salisbury ,Wimborne etc. And it's fairly easy to attract 300 plus fans to an average game at our level also the population is less mobile. I know of people not far from me who have never been to London ! Some Saturdays in the winter it's dead down here on a Saturday afternoon compared to what you can do in North West London. So going to the local football match is a lot easier thing to do .

Perhaps a move back to the Isthmian League would help ?
But it doesn't seem to be helping Wingate and Finchley crowds much .
I think we probably suffer because we don't attract many away fans in the Southern League to Harrow (not sure why) but I think if we could get promoted to the NLS it would improve our position big time .
Less travelling than the SLPS and bigger crowds of away fans at Earlsmead. But we got to get out the league first and I think we are a mid table team rather than top 6. (I'd love to be proved wrong!)

Anyway that's my "two cents" worth and there's no easy answers I guess.

Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 12:05:37 on 12th December 2021
Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 12:08:05 on 12th December 2021

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Next article in this thread: Re: The Team A Surprise! by Terrance12/12/2021 12:23Sun Dec 12 12:23:47 2021

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