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By Peacock21/12/2021 23:16Tue Dec 21 23:16:05 2021In response to Re: Hugely Disappointing!

Views: 831

At the end of day every team has a bad day!! I thought you played better last time we played you at home and that was with eight men and same scoreline.
You did score a great goal in the first few seconds have a look at it on our highlight page on our twitter howeverfor the rest of the highlights maybe turn it off as your defence was like rabbits caught in the headlights for the whole game lol.
I would like to wish you the best of luck for the rest of the season and maybe see you again in the playoffs? Hopefully at home would be nice!! Maybe bring your a game next time if you do.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Hugely Disappointing! by harrowred21/12/2021 22:15Tue Dec 21 22:15:18 2021

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