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Merry Christmas!

By Boro Loyal (RangersAsh)23/12/2021 16:14Thu Dec 23 16:14:00 2021

Views: 895

Hello all.
Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas, and a happy new year. The support so far this season has been incredible. Portsmouth away being the highlight for many I assume. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to my Match day experiences in 2021, and will see you guys next year. Take care and stay safe Reds!

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Next article in this thread: Re: Merry Christmas! by Terrance23/12/2021 17:47Thu Dec 23 17:47:14 2021

Previous thread: Hugely Disappointing! by Terrance21/12/2021 21:53Tue Dec 21 21:53:28 2021view thread