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Win a Cup !

By geemickey19/1/2022 09:30Wed Jan 19 09:30:00 2022

Views: 717

It's virtually certain Borough won't qualify for the playoffs now - and neither will they be relegated.
A transfer to the Isthmian League next season is not going to happen.

Would it make sense now to concentrate strongly on winning a cup, such as the London Senior or a county cup?
That would at least give the fans something to look forward to (and back on, in addition to Portsmouth) and put somehing from the season onto the honours board.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Win a Cup ! by Middx Wanderer19/1/2022 18:55Wed Jan 19 18:55:52 2022

Previous thread: Bluebells 2 Boro 1 by Earlsmead part-timer15/1/2022 20:15Sat Jan 15 20:15:17 2022view thread