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Re: Beaconsfield 6 - 1 Harrow Borough

By Middx Wanderer5/2/2022 20:18Sat Feb 5 20:18:29 2022In response to Re: Beaconsfield 6 - 1 Harrow Borough

Views: 944

When we got spanked at Taunton, Leo was on the bench , but fit enough to come on when we had already hoisted the White flag.
If today it was a tactical switch , it was an extremely poor one. As was bringing MCS on for Ewington, if you are going to use MCS to chase a game he has to have a partner.
Leo is our best (only) defensive midfield player . He has to play if fit.

We are basically a back 4/5 with Moore & Ewington , then 4 others making up the numbers & contributing very little.

Big question marks about what Bryan, O'Conner, MCS & Cole are bringing to this squad.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Beaconsfield 6 - 1 Harrow Borough by Earlsmead part-timer5/2/2022 20:07Sat Feb 5 20:07:38 2022

Previous thread: Gary on the telly. by Fulham red4/2/2022 09:51Fri Feb 4 09:51:56 2022view thread