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Re: Beaconsfield 6 - 1 Harrow Borough

By Middx Wanderer7/2/2022 12:59Mon Feb 7 12:59:53 2022In response to Re: Beaconsfield 6 - 1 Harrow Borough

Views: 706

Probably not, but.
Beaconsfields scored a classic route one goal . Drop kick, one touch from striker, Goal.
Not that I want us to play route one , but when we are chasing the game Josh kicks far too wide with most of his kicks going out for throw ins. When we are behind we need to put pressure on the opponents defence, not give away numerous cheap throw ins

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Next article in this thread: Re: Beaconsfield 6 - 1 Harrow Borough by geemickey7/2/2022 17:54Mon Feb 7 17:54:47 2022

Previous thread: Gary on the telly. by Fulham red4/2/2022 09:51Fri Feb 4 09:51:56 2022view thread