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Re: Re Terry.

By Earlsmead part-timer26/2/2022 17:17Sat Feb 26 17:17:53 2022In response to Re: Re Terry.

Views: 931

Yes Cappers, Terry who used to post on this forum .
I also heard the news about him today.
Very sad news indeed.

I used to enjoy reading his views about the Boro on this forum. Didn't always agree with them but he was Harrow through and through.

Often enjoyed a chat with him at the odd occasion I saw him at games as well.

RIP Terry you will be missed .

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Next article in this thread: Re: Re Terry. by harrowred26/2/2022 17:52Sat Feb 26 17:52:22 2022

Previous thread: Frank Keita departs by Earlsmead part-timer25/2/2022 08:55Fri Feb 25 08:55:19 2022view thread