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Re: 3-2 win

By The Majors Hat26/2/2022 20:13Sat Feb 26 20:13:13 2022In response to Re: 3-2 win

Views: 1002

Great comeback in the 2nd half after being completely outplayed until half time and lucky to only be 2 down.
Pudding of a pitch and a low sun in the 2nd half which clearly affected their keeper and back four meant that when we 'put it in the mixer' as our dear departed Terry would shout many times during each game paid dividends.
RIP Terrance you'll be missed good sir.

Looking forward to the Taunton chuckle brothers YouTube interview with baited breath.
I'm sure they'll be slightly more bitter than a bag of lemons.
Absolutely stunning finish by James Ewington for his 1st.

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Next article in this thread: Re: 3-2 win by The Majors Hat27/2/2022 06:14Sun Feb 27 06:14:57 2022

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