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Re: Re Terry.

By cappers26/2/2022 20:15Sat Feb 26 20:15:55 2022In response to Re: Re Terry.

Views: 993

I wanted to pay tribute to Terry. The news has come as a shock. I knew he had some kind of accident just before the Portsmouth match, which affected his mobility and stopped him from attending matches but didn't realise he was suffering from any kind of illness.

I only met him in person once (at the Poole match just before the start of the pandemic), due to living abroad but saw him many times at games over the years.

I've been posting on this forum for years and it's no understatement to say that Terry was the life and soul of this forum. Despite being one of the least supported clubs in the division, we have one of the most active forums in the division and a large part of that is down to Terry. He could probably be accused of over-posting but his opinions, which people often disagreed with, got a lot of debate going on our forum. Sure, he regurgitated the same old stuff about his desire for us to play direct football, find a long throw-in specialist and of course be masters of the dark arts but it was all in the right spirit and whenever he replied to anyone who disagreed with him, he always replied politely and respectfully.

Finally, he was always the first to pay tribute to deceased ex players/fans etc and raised concern during difficult moments for forum members such as the recent riots in Kazakhstan, where I had been living.

Although I didn't know him well outside of this forum, it's obvious he was a caring and good man.

RIP Terry

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Next article in this thread: Re: Re Terry. by TOWN COLOURS26/2/2022 20:59Sat Feb 26 20:59:47 2022

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