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Re: Terry Noonan RIP

By harrowexcile1/3/2022 11:19Tue Mar 1 11:19:37 2022In response to Re: Terry Noonan RIP

Views: 1017

I was so sorry to hear that Terry Noonan had passed away, so young too. I moved from Carlyon Avenue to live in Swindon in the late 1960's, but maintained my connections with the club through the website and the excellent fans forum. In recent years I submitted a number of postings and Terry always responded to them, as he probably did with other contributors to the forum. It was then that I realised how passionately Terry loved the club, and football generally. I was pleased to see that in the club announcement that the club will honour his memory with a minute's silence at the next home game. I read that he always stood in the same place at every game he attended. I wondered if the club had thought about making a permanent memory for him by placing a small commemorative plaque in the place where he stood at every game he attended. I'm sure that he will be greatly missed.

My condolences to his family and all those who knew him.

Tony Knight

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