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Re: Boro v Supermarine

By harrowred (RedHarrow)5/3/2022 10:04Sat Mar 5 10:04:45 2022In response to Re: Boro v Supermarine

Views: 873

I’m also going for 2-1 like Terry would have done. Swindon have had 4 2-1 results in their last 6 games.

Ewington and Biler to get one each for me.

As for the online presence, James C has been really pushing it. We’ve linked the Facebook and Twitter pages to post the same things so it’s all in line. Andrew O is doing a great job on the camera and Clare is making some fantastic graphics for us the post.

Last week I helped James C give away 180 free school tickets to parents and kids from 3 local schools. About 140 turned up for the epic comeback. We’ll continue that link further down the line but hopefully in the meantime some will return on their own accord.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Boro v Supermarine by TOWN COLOURS5/3/2022 10:46Sat Mar 5 10:46:30 2022

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