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Re: Weston and Hayes

By Earlsmead part-timer29/8/2022 18:54Mon Aug 29 18:54:15 2022In response to Weston and Hayes

Views: 620

Our start does seem be similar to last year's ( we did not have a good August 21 ) and we certainly are not having the "rub of the green" atm with penalties, injuries sending offs etc.

It turned around in that FA Cup game against Ramsgate first week of September and (I think ) we won every game that month. Going from what I thought were relegated certs to play - off hopefuls.

It shows u can turn things around, I certainly hope so . . . . . . . .

Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 18:56:37 on 29th August 2022

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Previous thread: Imran Uche returns.. by The Majors Hat26/8/2022 18:22Fri Aug 26 18:22:03 2022view thread