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Re: Weston and Hayes

By harrowred (RedHarrow)30/8/2022 08:57Tue Aug 30 08:57:22 2022In response to Re: Weston and Hayes

Views: 569

Totally agree with regards to shifting Sharman inside. I think the loss of Mansfield was disappointing. I’m surprised they haven’t shifted Songolo in there at times. I know they like him in midfield and it’s where they predominantly played him in pre season, but he’s tall and strong. Having said that - he did give away the penalty yesterday…if we can get him and Uche in CM together, that’ll be some force!

If we can get our team fit then it’s a strong side

Adenola Preddie Taylor Sharman
Williams Uche Leonard Songolo Moore

That leaves options from the rest of the squad like Griffith, Biler, Bryan, Alderson (his injury and short loan deal probably means that’s the end of him), Ladipo, Brown and Lawal, with the added depth of Bloom, Moses and Drazic from the u23s seem like we would be strong enough to pick up points.

The good news is that pretty much the whole bottom half lost yesterday and Hendon and Plymouth seem to be in as bad form as we are. 3 of the next 4 games look very winnable so
hopefully by the end of September we will be in a much better position!

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Next article in this thread: Re: Weston and Hayes by Earlsmead part-timer29/8/2022 18:54Mon Aug 29 18:54:15 2022

Previous thread: Imran Uche returns.. by The Majors Hat26/8/2022 18:22Fri Aug 26 18:22:03 2022view thread