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FA Cup v Bracknell

By Earlsmead part-timer2/9/2022 18:29Fri Sep 2 18:29:55 2022

Views: 796

Tough game against Bracknell tomorrow (Saturday)

On form they have got to be red hot favourites to go through with Boro the underdogs.

Are we going to see more Harrow heroics in the cup like last season or are we going to be dumped out straight away ?

If there's ever a time to finally kick start our season this is it.

Heart says Boro, but head says Bracknell .

Think they will win 3-1 :(

Have a good day the ones that are going.

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Next article in this thread: Re: FA Cup v Bracknell by Boro Loyal3/9/2022 09:23Sat Sep 3 09:23:51 2022

Previous thread: Dorchester v Boro - Tour of Britain by Earlsmead part-timer7/9/2022 21:21Wed Sep 7 21:21:06 2022view thread