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Re: Salisbury Prediction

By The Majors Hat14/2/2023 11:25Tue Feb 14 11:25:51 2023In response to Re: Salisbury Prediction

Views: 621


It does depend on which Boro side turn up tonight.
The Hendon and North Leigh one will get easily beaten.
The Halifax one can get at least a point if not more.
If you look at Steve's interview after Halifax he says that it's okay to put in the effort and commitment during a big game when there are lots of people watching from leagues above who could get them a move. But they need to put the same level of performance in during league games..
That's simply not happened and a fair few players have let Steve down.
As for tonight, 1-1 would be a great result.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Salisbury Prediction by harrowred14/2/2023 19:35Tue Feb 14 19:35:58 2023

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