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Re: Gosport

By Earlsmead part-timer23/3/2023 15:10Thu Mar 23 15:10:35 2023In response to Re: Gosport

Views: 684

If we have seen the last of George this season I'd like to see him named as a sub in the cup final. Win or lose it at least he could come on in the last couple of minutes and get a winers or runners-up medal.

He's been a great player for the club.

Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 15:13:58 on 23rd March 2023

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Next article in this thread: Signings by Middx Wanderer23/3/2023 23:25Thu Mar 23 23:25:55 2023

Previous thread: Bracknell predictions by harrowred21/3/2023 17:23Tue Mar 21 17:23:00 2023view thread