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Re: Bakes

By Adezeroonie24/3/2023 12:40Fri Mar 24 12:40:56 2023In response to Re: Bakes

Views: 1050

Some good points there. But that would rule out Sean Preddie. Not sure if he would be interested or an appropriate character but would provide some continuity.

Is there a salary attached? If so, it must be quite small but almost anything is ok for an enjoyable part time job. I know that officially the players wage bill is zero but …. I don’t know 😄

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Next article in this thread: Re: Bakes by Earlsmead part-timer24/3/2023 13:21Fri Mar 24 13:21:08 2023

Previous thread: New Manager by harrowred30/4/2023 19:20Sun Apr 30 19:20:37 2023view thread