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Re: Met Police 1-3 Harrow Borough

By Earlsmead part-timer10/4/2023 18:24Mon Apr 10 18:24:20 2023In response to Re: Met Police 1-3 Harrow Borough

Views: 696

Good grief we won !

Why couldn't we do this against Hartley, Dorchester or Gosport ?

Now for the easy bit . Beat Poole and Yate and hope Hendon don't get 3 points out of a possible 15 .

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Next article in this thread: Re: Met Police 1-3 Harrow Borough by The Majors Hat10/4/2023 18:30Mon Apr 10 18:30:11 2023

Previous thread: Hartley Predictions by harrowred4/4/2023 18:39Tue Apr 4 18:39:23 2023view thread