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Next thread: Rejecting the reprieve by harrowred16/5/2023 20:12Tue May 16 20:12:37 2023view thread

Re: Boro receive relegation reprieve and stay in Southern league Premier

By cappers15/5/2023 12:30Mon May 15 12:30:12 2023In response to Re: Boro receive relegation reprieve and stay in Southern league Premier

Views: 939

There were rumours of the Met dropping down a league especially after their manager left

I thought the reprieve would have gone to the team that came 4th bottom of the Northern Prem as they had the best record. Then Kings Langley were next in line.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Boro receive relegation reprieve and stay in Southern league Premier by harrowred15/5/2023 13:46Mon May 15 13:46:19 2023

Previous thread: Welcome Jordan Berry - New Manager by Earlsmead part-timer6/5/2023 09:44Sat May 6 09:44:58 2023view thread