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Re: Boro receive relegation reprieve and stay in Southern league Premier

By The Majors Hat15/5/2023 13:08Mon May 15 13:08:47 2023In response to Re: Boro receive relegation reprieve and stay in Southern league Premier

Views: 903

numquam releganda
They need to incorporate these words on the club badge.
Latin for 'never to be relegated'

Looking forward to reading the twitter reactions from the Wealdstone fans tonight.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Boro receive relegation reprieve and stay in Southern league Premier by cappers15/5/2023 13:14Mon May 15 13:14:41 2023

Previous thread: Welcome Jordan Berry - New Manager by Earlsmead part-timer6/5/2023 09:44Sat May 6 09:44:58 2023view thread