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Re: No appeal

By The Majors Hat20/5/2023 21:39Sat May 20 21:39:12 2023In response to No appeal

Views: 752

Very good news.
JB seems of the same opinion of most of us on here and I like his positivity.
Now, more than ever the team and club need our support.
I read the weekly chairman's newsletter from Chesham United yesterday. One line stood out, when he quoted what a former Chesham chairman had said to him.. 'If you're not going forward, you'll go backwards'
Not taking the reprieve would definitely have been going backwards.
League season starts on 5th August.
Bring it on.

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Next article in this thread: Re: No appeal by geemickey22/5/2023 09:37Mon May 22 09:37:26 2023

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