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Re: JB in Non League Paper 28th May

By The Majors Hat30/5/2023 10:23Tue May 30 10:23:56 2023In response to Re: JB in Non League Paper 28th May

Views: 484

My parents didn't tell me about Boro. My dad took me to Loftus Road - I'm often wonder if I should have given Esther Rantzen a call for that.
I first came to Earlsmead because a mate used to come when we were 18.
As a kid the football knowledge was gained from watching Brian Moore on a Sunday afternoon and from swapping stickers in the playground.
Leaping forward 40 years from my sticker swapping days and today's youngsters have their heads buried in a phone and a tablet from early on.
A hugely visible social media presence along with the already great work that James does with local schools is where we'd find potential new fans.

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Previous thread: Pre season Friendlies by Middx Wanderer27/5/2023 22:07Sat May 27 22:07:32 2023view thread