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Borough V’s ’En-dun

By Adezeroonie26/12/2023 23:37Tue Dec 26 23:37:25 2023

Views: 720

Disappointing as I was looking forward to this one. Our hopes vanished when Excellence was dismissed. I am not sure why. The first booking was for dissent but, given he felt he had been fouled in the penalty area, didn’t seem wholly deserved, though I can’t lip read.

I am not sure about the second booking. The challenge didn’t seem to be malicious from behind the dugout though, again, I could use some clarification.

Once he was off there was only one likely winner and Hendon bossed the game. Very disappointing after Basingstoke.

Oddly, I thought Jordan was very restrained when talking about the Basingstoke result. I was expecting more optimism. We need to string some results together now.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Borough V’s ’En-dun by TOWN COLOURS28/12/2023 20:01Thu Dec 28 20:01:02 2023

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