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Re: Chesham Away

By cufc_general2/1/2024 16:25Tue Jan 2 16:25:17 2024In response to Chesham Away

Views: 775

Thought you held us quite well for half hour (despite the two goals) but after that you started to try and chase the game in some hope of comeback and second half that allowed us to pick you off at will with space behind for Obi to run into

Presume you couldn't play Sinclair or Mfinda as part of their loans, thought Lucas might hurt us with his pace so happy to see him not in the starting XI

See you at Easter

PS. There was 3 turnstiles open yesterday, 2 at the top and 1 at the bottom

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Next article in this thread: Re: Chesham Away by Fulham red2/1/2024 18:42Tue Jan 2 18:42:57 2024

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