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Newest article: Re: Badshot defeat. by cappersToday 11:50Today at 11:50:31view thread

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Re: Badshot defeat.

By Earlsmead part-timerToday 10:03Today at 10:03:48In response to Badshot defeat.

Views: 53

As one of the many "fans from afar" I tend to agree.

Ok I'm not party to what goes on at the club so what do I know ?
But I do get the impression we're going backwards while all the local clubs around us are waving goodbye to us whilst looking in the rear view mirror.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Badshot defeat. by cappersToday 11:50Today at 11:50:31

Previous thread: Badshot defeat. by harrowredToday 07:23Today at 07:23:16view thread