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Re: Sorry terry

By Earlsmead part-timer24/3/2019 13:24Sun Mar 24 13:24:31 2019In response to Re: Sorry terry

Views: 1057

Yep point taken Terry , but that was so disappointing yesterday. We had more than enough chances to win that and Frome didn't look like world beaters to me. As for the defending how many chances did we have to clear that ball before they scored their winner ! Shocking.
We've got to win twice now just to get ahead of Poole and KL that leaves us with four games to go. If KL win there game in hand we have to win three before we get ahead and that's on the condition both sides don't pick up anymore points in the next three games.
Add into that mix KL have Staines Town on the last day of the season.
I know it's not over until the "fat lady sings" but she's on her last chorus.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Sorry terry by Terry24/3/2019 13:58Sun Mar 24 13:58:43 2019

Previous thread: Our 4 Promotion rivals for 5th Place. by Terry24/3/2019 10:59Sun Mar 24 10:59:11 2019view thread