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Re: Sorry terry

By Geekay Clement24/3/2019 19:32Sun Mar 24 19:32:56 2019In response to Re: Sorry terry

Views: 1045

Very disappointed with yesterday -particularly the free kick on the half way line that ended up being played back to the keeper. The quality of crosses was abysmal generally most missing the target by yards. We still should have won as Frome were very poor. Just as we seemed to be getting on top with Josh & George getting a lot of possession on the right flank & Ryan & Michael on the left 2 of them were strangely substituted. Even then both goals were very basic defending errors. It may be injuries but where are George Fenton & Mitchal Gough & why is George Moore being marginalised?

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Next article in this thread: Re: Sorry terry by Terry25/3/2019 13:11Mon Mar 25 13:11:45 2019

Previous thread: Our 4 Promotion rivals for 5th Place. by Terry24/3/2019 10:59Sun Mar 24 10:59:11 2019view thread