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Re: Sorry terry

By Terry25/3/2019 13:11Mon Mar 25 13:11:45 2019In response to Re: Sorry terry

Views: 1011

One other thought about Saturday and really a Lot of recent matches for some time is a Lack of someone who can do a Long throw into the box.Ive just been watching on you tube as you do on a Monday Lunchtime The "exciting"Highlights between Taunton v Poole but a team Like Taunton who can get a Long throw in almost resulted in a goal on the highlights l saw.Has this ever been been tried in training to find a player who can do a Long throw or if not sign a player with that ability to throw the ball Long if he was a player of Limited talent he can always play midfield in a ball winning role.The number of times you see throws near the corner flag and nothing comes of it.lm pretty sure Kings Langley that village near Watford are going to feel the pressure tomorrow night and not going to win so we are still in there fighting for 5th So Come On You Reds!

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Next article in this thread: Re: Sorry terry by Terry24/3/2019 19:55Sun Mar 24 19:55:08 2019

Previous thread: Our 4 Promotion rivals for 5th Place. by Terry24/3/2019 10:59Sun Mar 24 10:59:11 2019view thread