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Re: Sorry terry

By Geekay Clement26/3/2019 21:40Tue Mar 26 21:40:32 2019In response to Re: Sorry terry

Views: 994

Re long throws -I'm sure ryan Haugh has done a few this season & is capable of wanging it a long way. I get frustrated with short corners which never end with a decent cross into the box. we have 3 big defenders mossie is good in the air get them up there & a cross it in direct from the flag kick.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Sorry terry by Terry26/3/2019 22:05Tue Mar 26 22:05:08 2019

Previous thread: Our 4 Promotion rivals for 5th Place. by Terry24/3/2019 10:59Sun Mar 24 10:59:11 2019view thread