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Re: Kings Langleys Run In.

By Terry27/3/2019 16:39Wed Mar 27 16:39:10 2019In response to Re: Kings Langleys Run In.

Views: 762

Hello Cappers Lovely to hear from you.I said nowhere near this Level meaning near the top for going for promotion.I admit lm playing a few mind games calling them a village team and Poole bottle merchants.I hope its not deemed unsporting but no one complained when Fergie in 1996 did it except King Kev at Newcastle! Yes your so right this weekend vital if we can narrow it to 4 or 5 very much game on as Kings Langley wont get nothing at Taunton following week and Poole and Farnborough play each other that weekend too.Your right about errors being made in team selection especially Last week in midfield where we Lacked Mark Mcleods tough approach and Leadership skills.If you dont control midfield you dont win matches.lm certainly not underestimating Kings Langley but any money they have got from the deal with Watford they sure havent spent on the ground! lm going to at around 5pm name the team l would pick and the reasons for it for the crunch game at Gosport and how you go about beating such a poor team as them.

Edited by Terry at 16:58:42 on 27th March 2019
Edited by Terry at 16:59:14 on 27th March 2019

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Next article in this thread: Re: Kings Langleys Run In. by harrowred28/3/2019 11:04Thu Mar 28 11:04:17 2019

Previous thread: Saturdays Team v Gosport. by Terry28/3/2019 18:09Thu Mar 28 18:09:07 2019view thread