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Re: Kings Langley Get Lucky Again!

By Whispering Minotaur1/4/2019 08:44Mon Apr 1 08:44:00 2019In response to Kings Langley Get Lucky Again!

Views: 854

If Kings Langley got out of jail with a late winner, is that not also the case with you with your late winner?

Perhaps the fact Kings Langley are winning games late on shows that they are fit, up for it, and able to play at full tilt for 90 minutes, and other teams aren't able to match that. They have some players in their squad who have experience of playing at the top of Step 3 - just because the club doesn't, doesn't mean the players don't. To be quite honest, I think your attitude towards Kings Langley absolutely stinks - just because they are a village that is nearer Hemel Hempstead than Watford, and have never challenged at the top of Step 3 before, doesn't mean they are not going to carry it through.

How many of us thought Leicester would run out of steam the year they won the Premier League. That's what makes football so great - that the unexpected can happen.

Kings Langley will finish 5th.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Kings Langley Get Lucky Again! by Terry1/4/2019 10:01Mon Apr 1 10:01:29 2019

Previous thread: Score Predictions For Saturdays 3 Vital Games. by Terry1/4/2019 08:57Mon Apr 1 08:57:42 2019view thread