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Weymouth Win/ Frome Lose.

By Terry2/4/2019 22:15Tue Apr 2 22:15:01 2019

Views: 747

Weymouth with their 4-0 win against the Met Police are confirming what most of us know that they are the best team in this division.But Fromes Loss 1-0 now its Looking they need a Houdini style escape to avoid the drop.We ourselves have done that over the years by 1 goal once l recall.But neither are great results for us as we want Taunton as close to Weymouth as poss and Frome with it all to play for at the end.Of course as Kings Langley have to play them both and we want both with a Lot to play for.The great thing about Non League is that all teams no matter what give it a good go and you rarely see diving and feigning of injury Like lm ashamed to say we saw from a Celtic player on Sunday and to us Celtic fans that win was a hollow victory.But forget that Bring On Chesham! Come On You Reds!

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Next article in this thread: Re: Weymouth Win/ Frome Lose. by Whispering Minotaur3/4/2019 07:31Wed Apr 3 07:31:31 2019

Previous thread: Harrow Boro v Chesham Match Preview. by Terry5/4/2019 08:50Fri Apr 5 08:50:37 2019view thread