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Re: 4 Teams Fighting For 5th My Prediction!

By Terry3/4/2019 19:56Wed Apr 3 19:56:33 2019In response to Re: 4 Teams Fighting For 5th My Prediction!

Views: 769

Thank you as always for your kind words and grammatical advice.Thats a big word! Im fearing Paragraphs might be my new nick name! Irrational Optimism lm not sure Geemickey the scenario Harrowred mentioned and l agree with Kings Langley only draw with Swindon Supermarine Saturday and Lose at Taunton.We beat Chesham and Wimbourne and there is 2 points in it when we hit Easter to me thats a realistic proposition.Then in my book Boro would be favourites as the Americans would say we got the Big Mo(Momentum).Weve got concentrate on our game win our matches and lm still very confident we shall get 5th!

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Next article in this thread: Re: 4 Teams Fighting For 5th My Prediction! by cappers3/4/2019 20:07Wed Apr 3 20:07:04 2019

Previous thread: Kings Langley v Boro Final Points Total. by Terry1/4/2019 17:47Mon Apr 1 17:47:24 2019view thread