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Reasons For My Starting Xl v Chesham.

By Terry4/4/2019 08:55Thu Apr 4 08:55:21 2019

Views: 882

Just Looking at the bench l picked l think everyone of those players would walk into a Lot of Step Level 3 teams.So picking that 11 to beat Chesham no easy task.l have made 2 changes for this team of course its just for fun and to provide debate on our excellent forum.Anthony O'Connor and Frank Keita in and Ryan Moss and Adam Perara drop to the bench.lm a big fan of Anthony O' Connor hes got Lightning pace and hes not afraid to mix it with defenders.Ryan Moss got stuck in better at Gosport and is of course a quality player.So that was a very tough call.Also another toughie was Frank Keita against Adam Perara.Adam has played solid but Frank deserves a go that was a fantastic finish Last Saturday under great pressure when our play off hopes were hanging by a thread so he deserves to start.The other 9 guys pick themselves everyone showed great bottle to see it through at Gosport and lm backing them to do the same this Saturday against Chesham and for the remaining games thereafter.Come On You Reds!

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Next article in this thread: Re: Reasons For My Starting Xl v Chesham. by Earlsmead part-timer4/4/2019 13:57Thu Apr 4 13:57:19 2019

Previous thread: 4 Teams Fighting For 5th My Prediction! by Terry3/4/2019 15:24Wed Apr 3 15:24:37 2019view thread