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Re: My Starting Xl for Saturdays Game v Chesham.

By geemickey5/4/2019 13:07Fri Apr 5 13:07:00 2019In response to Re: My Starting Xl for Saturdays Game v Chesham.

Views: 866

It seems pretty certain Kings Langley will finish 5th - but does anyone know the costs they may be facing to get a Conference South ground grading ?

OK, they would be allowed a season to make the necessary changes but would the level of costs involved be sufficient to dissuade them from even accepting a place in the playoffs, if that is allowed ?

Clutching at straws, maybe, but it might be Harrow's last chance of making the playoffs.

I see that having briefly mastered the use of paragraphs, 'Terry' has opted to revert to his old style of presentation, before we could get on to the use of capitals and apostrophes etc. !!

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Next article in this thread: Re: My Starting Xl for Saturdays Game v Chesham. by Terry5/4/2019 13:34Fri Apr 5 13:34:42 2019

Previous thread: Our Fantastic Forum! by Terry5/4/2019 15:18Fri Apr 5 15:18:12 2019view thread