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Re: My Starting Xl for Saturdays Game v Chesham.

By cufcgeneral5/4/2019 13:27Fri Apr 5 13:27:43 2019In response to Re: My Starting Xl for Saturdays Game v Chesham.

Views: 841

Or is because the Little Village near Watford are in fact better supported than Harrow?

Chesham are a completely different side to the one that played you last. Our form in the last 25 games (since new managers) appointed is 6th best in the league, Harrow (9th) Langley (joint top). We've conceded 18 goals in that time, half the amount of the next lowest conceded - Harrow (48) same as the second worst in 25 games (Hendon)

Tomorrow will surely be the game where Terry finally admits the play offs are gone and he can claim that Harrow put the pressure on - like a little Tottenham Hotspurs

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Next article in this thread: Re: My Starting Xl for Saturdays Game v Chesham. by Terry5/4/2019 13:52Fri Apr 5 13:52:41 2019

Previous thread: Our Fantastic Forum! by Terry5/4/2019 15:18Fri Apr 5 15:18:12 2019view thread