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Re: My Starting Xl for Saturdays Game v Chesham.

By Terry5/4/2019 13:34Fri Apr 5 13:34:42 2019In response to Re: My Starting Xl for Saturdays Game v Chesham.

Views: 825

Hello Geemickey.Lovely to hear from you!
Im not throwing in the towel nor is the Manager the Players or us Fans in this fight for 5th! Good points you make about the cost though l was shocked to see Wealdstone £700,000 gone west recently.Wages and travel etc.obviously the cause.
For Kings Langley or indeed ourselves it would be a big commitment.l understand through the forum that Kings Langley have some sort of relationship with Watford so maybe theres an angle for financial help with that for them.
As far as we are concerned if we made promotion then all of us have to raise our game.lm talking Directors and Fans.Us fans need to tell our friends about how great non League is and get them to come.The Club would have to be far more proactive in attracting fans.We have a very diverse population in Harrow and it would be great to see more of them come along.The ground would no doubt go up for naming rights and more sponsors etc would be needed.The Club needs to think of ways to do this as London is a massive place and Lots of oppurtunites to get sponsors.Not just concentrate in Local Companies in NW10.
It would a massive challenge hopefully with more fans coming and playing at a higher Level with a higher profile more sponsors and fans would be attracted.Thats my view!

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Next article in this thread: Re: My Starting Xl for Saturdays Game v Chesham. by Terry5/4/2019 12:52Fri Apr 5 12:52:00 2019

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