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Re: Score Predictions For Saturdays 3 Vital Games

By Terry9/4/2019 15:16Tue Apr 9 15:16:07 2019In response to Re: Score Predictions For Saturdays 3 Vital Games

Views: 835

Thanks Harrowred.Interesting 1-1 Taunton v Kings Langley we would take that.Your confidence in Poole not so sure of with their record in pressure games maybe they turned the corner Saturday.lm still not convinced.
As for Boro we will take any score as Long as its 3 Points!
Thank you for that.So we have 3 different sets of scores now and anyone else wants a go just for fun please do so.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Score Predictions For Saturdays 3 Vital Games by Whispering Minotaur9/4/2019 18:13Tue Apr 9 18:13:58 2019

Previous thread: Soon Just 4 Points Behind! by Terry9/4/2019 14:54Tue Apr 9 14:54:43 2019view thread